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- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Program: Dlog.c
- By: Geoffrey Slinker
- Date: 11:59:55 AM 5/2/92
- Purpose: Contains methods for Dlog class, see Dlog.h
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include "Dlog.h"
- #include "Alert_Class.h"
- extern Alert_Class *myAlert;
- /**********************************************************************/
- Dlog::Dlog(void) // constructor code
- {
- myDlog = NULL;
- rsrcNumber = 0;
- itemHit = 0;
- itemType = 0;
- dialogDone = 0;
- }
- /*....................................................................*/
- Dlog::~Dlog(void) // destructor code
- {
- DialogPtr myDlog;
- int rnum;
- /*-------------------------
- Shadow for purging problems
- -------------------------*/
- myDlog = this->myDlog;
- rnum = this->rsrcNumber;
- if ( myDlog != NULL ) {
- FreeDialog(rsrcNumber);
- DisposDialog(myDlog);
- } /* end if */
- this->myDlog = NULL;
- }
- /*....................................................................*/
- void Dlog::loadResource( int number) // load resource from resource file
- {
- DialogPtr myDlog;
- /*-------------------------
- Shadow for purging problems
- -------------------------*/
- myDlog = this->myDlog;
- rsrcNumber = number;
- myDlog = GetNewDialog(number,0L,(WindowPtr)-1L);
- if ( myDlog == 0L ) {
- SysBeep(7);
- (*myAlert).AlertStop("\pFatal Error",
- "\pUnable to allocate new dialog",
- "\pDlog::loadResource",NULL);
- } /* end if */
- CouldDialog(rsrcNumber); // could be purged so lock it down
- /*-------------------------
- Copy back from shadow
- -------------------------*/
- this->myDlog = myDlog;
- }
- /*....................................................................*/
- /* This routine simply shows the dialog box and when you click in it
- it close, used mostly for testing position and look, not used
- in the final application code
- */
- void Dlog::showDialog()
- {
- EventRecord smallEvent;
- WindowPtr whichWindow;
- GrafPtr oldPort;
- int done = 0;
- DialogPtr myDlog;
- /*-------------------------
- Shadow for purging problems
- -------------------------*/
- myDlog = this->myDlog;
- SetItemValues();
- GetPort(&oldPort);
- SetPort(myDlog);
- SelectWindow(myDlog);
- DrawDialog(myDlog);
- while ( !done ) {
- SystemTask();
- GetNextEvent((mDownMask + mUpMask),&smallEvent);
- switch ( smallEvent.what ) {
- case mouseDown:
- FindWindow(smallEvent.where,&whichWindow);
- if ( whichWindow == myDlog ) {
- done = 1;
- }
- else {
- SysBeep(7);
- } /* end if then else */
- break;
- default: break;
- } /* end switch */
- } /* end while */
- HideWindow(myDlog);
- SetPort(oldPort);
- }
- /*....................................................................*/
- void Dlog::HandleDialog(EventRecord *aEvent)
- {
- DialogPtr myDlog;
- int itemHit;
- int dialogDone;
- GrafPtr aPort;
- Point thePoint;
- int thePart;
- /*-------------------------
- Shadow for handle protection
- -------------------------*/
- myDlog = this->myDlog;
- itemHit = this->itemHit;
- //dialogDone = this->dialogDone;
- // this was an experiment in handling dialog events in their
- // class instead of the main event loop.
- switch ( (*aEvent).what ) {
- case updateEvt:
- GetPort(&aPort);
- SetPort((WindowPtr)(*aEvent).message);
- BeginUpdate((WindowPtr)(*aEvent).message);
- RedrawDialog();
- EndUpdate((WindowPtr)(*aEvent).message);
- SetPort(aPort);
- break;
- case nullEvent:
- SystemTask();
- break;
- default: break;
- } /* end switch */
- thePoint = (*aEvent).where;
- GlobalToLocal(&thePoint);
- thePart = FindControl(thePoint,myDlog,&itemHandle);
- if (DialogSelect(aEvent,&myDlog,&itemHit) ) {
- HandleDialogItem(itemHit,thePoint,thePart);
- }
- }
- /*....................................................................*/
- /* Should be overloaded or something! */
- int Dlog::HandleDialogItem(int itemHit, Point thePoint, int thePart)
- {
- DialogPtr myDlog;
- Handle itemHandle;
- Rect itemRect;
- int itemType;
- myDlog = this->myDlog;
- itemHandle = this->itemHandle;
- itemRect = this->itemRect;
- switch ( itemHit ) {
- default: break;
- } /* end switch */
- }
- /*....................................................................*/
- void Dlog::SetItemValues()
- {
- /*-------------------------
- Sets item values.
- -------------------------*/
- }
- /*....................................................................*/
- void Dlog::PutUpDialog()
- {
- DialogPtr myDlog;
- myDlog = (*this).myDlog;
- ShowWindow(myDlog);
- SetPort(myDlog);
- SelectWindow(myDlog);
- DamageDialog();
- }
- /*....................................................................*/
- void Dlog::RedrawDialog()
- {
- DialogPtr myDlog;
- GrafPtr oldPort;
- GetPort(&oldPort);
- myDlog = (*this).myDlog;
- SetPort(myDlog);
- DrawDialog(myDlog);
- SetPort(oldPort);
- }
- /*....................................................................*/
- void Dlog::DamageDialog()
- {
- Rect theRect;
- DialogPtr myDlog;
- myDlog = (*this).myDlog;
- theRect = (*myDlog).portRect;
- InvalRect(&theRect);
- }
- /**********************************************************************/